God's Great Symphony Part 2 "Harmony"
Shall agree (συμφωνήσωσιν). Be in complete accord, like the notes of a perfect strain of music. Here one man’s infirmity is upheld by another’s strength; one man’s short-sightedness compensated by another’s wider view; this man’s little faith overpowered by that man’s firm confidence.
If two of you shall agree] Συμφωνηστωσιν, symphonize, or harmonize. It is a metaphor taken from a number of musical instruments set to the same key, and playing the same tune: here, it means a perfect agreement of the hearts, desires, wishes, and voices, of two or more persons praying to God. It also intimates that as a number of musical instruments, skilfully played, in a good concert, are pleasing to the ears of men, so a number of persons united together in warm, earnest, cordial prayer, is highly pleasing in the sight and ears of the Lord.
HELP-MEET—(Heb. ʾezer ke-negdo; i.e., “a help as his counterpart” = a help suitable to him), a wife
helps The Greek word used here, antilēmpsis, refers to assisting people in need (see Acts 20:35), but it also entails the idea of calling upon God in a time of turmoil so that He may act in the situation with His full power and force.